Wednesday, 27 October 2010

Small Businesses not so bad on IT Security

A recent article in the IT Security Press reports that SMEs (Small and Medium Sized Enterprises) are becoming much more aware of the threats to their IT security (InfoSecurity Magazine, September/October 2010).

The article quotes a survey carried out early this year by PwC which found that a staggering 74% of smaller companies had suffered an information security attack sometime in the past.  It’s not surprising, therefore, that small business leaders have had to wise up.

However, it’s not all good news.  Whilst most small businesses have locked down their systems to prevent attack from external threats such as viruses and spyware, they are perhaps less organised when it comes to preventing loss of data from the inside.  Data loss or corruption is a real threat to the operation of even the smallest business these days and it takes just one disgruntled employee with the right access levels to do untold damage – or one misguided employee to reveal system access details (username and password) to a clever hacker using social engineering techniques.

The answer lies in not just setting good policies, but in ensuring that your team members both understand and implement them.  Limit access to sensitive data to those who really need to know, control the use of portable media devices such as laptops and USB datasticks, train staff on the safe use of the internet.

Your business information is one of your most valuable assets.  You wouldn’t leave your office door open, so make sure you’ve closed off access to your data!

Wednesday, 20 October 2010

Cost Cutting for the Country – and for the rest of us

I’ve just been listening to the Chancellor as he delivers his Spending Review.

Whatever our political or economic beliefs, I think we all accept that the UK needs to tighten its belt.  Mr Osbourne has been facing a dilemma that every business in the UK is having to address:  how to keep costs as low as possible without strangling all potential growth.

Marketing is often one of the first areas where businesses feel they can cut costs and, frankly, it can be a prime waster of resources.  However, good, focused marketing that reaches the right customer with the right message may make all the difference between future survival or collapse. 

My tip for every business is to monitor your marketing spend and its results – any marketing activity that doesn’t pay for itself is a waste of time and money!  Wherever possible, find out from your customers why they chose to buy from you and keep a simple list – on a spreadsheet perhaps – so that you can analyse it over time.  If a particular activity is not delivering the goods, drop it and try something else!

Having said that, not all marketing gain can be measured in direct financial terms – brand awareness and customer retention are less tangible benefits, but are important ones nonetheless.  Maintain a dialogue with your existing customers so that you understand how marketing works in terms of their relationship with you – for example, does the newsletter you send them just get put in the bin, or does it help to reinforce their impression of the quality of what you’re offering? 

Tuesday, 5 October 2010

All Power to PowerPoint

Being asked to give a presentation can strike fear into the heart of many a businessman or woman, however inspired and passionate he or she may be about the subject.  The lucky few take speaking in public in their stride - they speak fluently and eloquently, adding a touch of humour here and there.  Many more of us just about get away with it...  Using PowerPoint slides to aid your presentation will normally help in three critical ways.  Firstly, it gives your audience a focus - they'll be looking at the screen rather than you.  Secondly, your message is reinforced by the words on screen and your audience is therefore more likely to remember what you say.  Thirdly, and perhaps most importantly, the act of preparing slides will help you structure your presentation, making your message more coherent and logical.

Here are my top tips for delivering a successful PowerPoint presentation:
  • Keep the slides short and sweet.  Go for simple bullet points rather than long sentences, and don't have more than 4 or 5 points per slide.  Better to have more slides!
  • Never read your presentation to your audience either from a script or from what's on the slide.  A presentation should be a conversation between you and the audience.  Keep it natural.
  • Make sure your slides are readable.  Take particular care with images in the background or light coloured text - these can often make the words unreadable.  Be careful too not to use italics for more than the odd word for emphasis as onscreen italics are notoriously difficult to read.
  • Look at your audience, not your slides!  A quick glance to refresh your mind about what's on the slide is OK, but your voice and your message will project much more successfully if you look at your audience (and smile!).
  • Rehearse your presentation - ideally with an audience even if it's only the kids and the dog.  This will not only help with timing, it will also make you much more relaxed on the day.
  • Stick to your allotted time.  If you've been asked to speak for 20 minutes, don't go on for an hour, just because you can!  Leave time for questions at the end.