Monday, 6 September 2010

Flag Waving in the Dark?

Launching a brand new website can be a bit like waving a flag in the dark.  It's all very well, but at the point of launch no-one can actually see it!

Today is the day I'm doing just that.  My new website, lovingly written and painstakingly developed, tweaked and tested, is now ready for the world to see.  You can find it at - but if you're reading this blog, you may well have already visited it.

So, how do I make sure everyone can see me waving my flag?  I need to put my website into the spotlight.  To do that, I'll be taking every opportunity to tell all my clients and contacts about the site - I'll use emails, networking sites (are you on LinkedIn yet?) and (something we tend to underestimate in these days of electronic communication) I'll be talking about it! 

Talking is still one of the most effective ways of communicating ideas.  The human voice has the power to deliver your message with just the right emotion that's needed to get it across.  It's hard to be persuasive and enthusastic in any other medium, so when you get the chance to use your voice and put your message into the spotlight, sieze the moment.

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