Tuesday, 14 September 2010

Who and where still matter

These days we buy many of our goods and services online – so why do we feel the need to know more about the business supplying our needs?

Most websites provide an About Us page – and with good reason.  I’m sure I’m not alone in needing to feel the existence of a real person at a real location before embarking on an online relationship.  If I come across a website that doesn’t provide me with a physical address, I click away at once.  Crazy, isn’t it?  I’m never going to visit their premises and, unless it’s a local one, the address is likely to mean nothing to me.  But it has to be there.

The same is true of the people, particularly if I’m looking for a service.  I really want to see names and, ideally, pictures of the people I’m dealing with.  Maybe not on big household name sites (except on the corporate pages so I can see who’s in charge) where the brand already has significance to me but if I’m looking for an adviser, for example an IFA, an accountant or a solicitor, the faces will make all the difference.

So, make sure your website gives me your who and where, and I’ll start to build trust in your business. 

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